
Using Liquidluck (Felix Felicis) - Part II

This is a continuation of the Part-I, of the Liquidluck tutorial. Upto this point, we have discussed the following:

  • Installation
  • Setting up the Website
  • Writing Posts/Pages

We shall now continue with themes, and also touch upon publishing the websites on GitHub.


Now that you can write posts and pages, I guess you will want to tweak the overall look or 'feel' of your website. 'Luckily', Liquidluck has awesome support for the installation and search of new themes. Here's how you can search for new themes:

(felix_env)$ liquidluck search

It'll give you a nicely formatted output with the theme name and stuff. If you like the name of any of the themes, you can install it like this:

(felix_env)$ liquidluck install <theme-name>

Pretty easy, eh? It sure would be great to preview the themes though, if possible. So what you can do is, install all the themes in one go and try them out, one by one. I had some problems with installing a few of the themes from GitHub, so I wrote the following script to do it for me. Basically, it clones the theme repos into our _themes directory, so that they are immediately available to Liquidluck.

git clone git:// ./_themes/chiang
git clone git:// ./_themes/moment
git clone git:// ./_themes/responsive
git clone git:// ./_themes/cb3f20
git clone git:// ./_themes/icbu
git clone git:// ./_themes/lovelymod
git clone git:// ./_themes/bootstrap
git clone git:// ./_themes/octopress
git clone git:// ./_themes/thegrey
git clone git:// ./_themes/reveal

Note that you should run this script from the root of your website. That is, the parent of the contents directory. You can customize/modify the themes easily, since they use the Jinja2 templating language. The templating part of the Flask mega tutorial gives an awesome introduction to Jinja2 templates, so you might want to go through it.

Publishing on GitHub

Now that you have (hopefully) decided on the theme, and are able to write new posts and create pages, you might want to publish your website. One of the easiest ways to do this, is on GitHub itself. In order to host your website on GitHub, you first need an account on GitHub. If you're already familiar with Git in general, then all you need to do is, create a new repo with the name <username>, and push the pages (in the deploy folder to this repo. They will automatically be served by GitHub, on the URL <username> (Replace 'username' with your actual username!)

If you're not familiar with it, create an account on GitHub. Once you've registered and your email address is verified, you can create new repos. In order to create a new repo, click on the New Repo button (right next to the settings button). In the 'repository name' field, enter <username> (Replace the username with your own!). Note this name, we're going to use it later.

Now, on your local machine, create a new git repository in the deploy directory.

(felix_env)$ cd deploy
(felix_env)$ git init .
(felix_env)$ git add .
(felix_env)$ git commit -m "initial commit"
(felix_env)$ git remote add origin<repo-name>.git
(felix_env)$ git push -u origin master

Note that you must replace <repo-name> with the repository name that you have given. If you've done it all properly, you can now see your website hosted on https://<username>!